This is a new, expanded links section. If you know of any good links that should feature here please let us know. Brief reviews/explanations of the non band sites linked to here are further down the page.
Fanzines and Stuff
Clean Shaven
Skippy's Cage
Home And Away
Band Sites
Add N to (X) / @tomika / Bellatrix / Billy Mahonie / Bis / Caretaker / Cay / Hefner / Idlewild / JJ72 / The Junket / Monkey Boy / The Monsoon Bassoon / My Vitriol / Pavo / Peeps Into Fairyland / Reynolds / Rothko / Seafood / The Samurai 7 / Snug / Trail Of Dead / Twist
Clean Shaven Fanzine
This is an extension of the paper fanzine. Apparently its intention is to "promote and inform you about a lot of the local bands and happenings that are happening around here (Surrey, Hampshire too a bit)" which I suppose it does. The site is clearly put together by someone who knows what they are doing. The site features an extensive link section. Also at this address is the Badmusic record label site. Good Stuff. Though it would be nice if it was updated at some point.
Skippy's Cage
A very useful site providing the kind of information that A&B readers need to know. Its got info and photos of several bands including the Monsoon Bassoon and Rothko, a gig guide for the London area (particularly useful if you want to know where Seafood are playing), and a guide to venues in London and the south east. There is also a collection of live reviews from various sources. I'm not overly keen on the appearance of this site, although it does have a rather nifty boxing kangeroo gif.
Geek Rock
Professional site with extensive listings and link sections. Lots of other stuff too amd really too much to mention. I suggest you have a look yourself.
Home And Away
Another fanzine from near Guildford. No stupid flashy graphics or pointless in depth menu systems. Just reviews.